Born 1/30/17. (DesertNanny S Onaway *B x Five-Points PL Marie Laveau) Chunky shorty, red and white, polled. Easy keeper, trouble free and low maintenance girl with a great temperament. She’s a good mother, holds a lactation very well, generous milker, certainly top tier homesteader material. Pedigree.

This pic isn’t fair to Rosey but gives a guess to capacity. She is a first freshener in this pic, was 2 months fresh with 2 kids on her and never been milked, 24 hr fill (needed longer fill time but we needed the stall), produced 2 cups. Soft udder texture, fast milking orifices, holds a long lactation.
Below, udders behind Rosey, dam’s ff udder and sire’s dam’s ff udder.

Rosey’s pedigree